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Plane Swing Vs Explanar: Improve Your Golf Swing with These Tools


Such devices as Explanar or high plane boards are biomechanically incorrect devices. There is always a plane shift due to forearm rotation and the plane - ideally- goes parallelly up to a higher one. If you keep rolling on explanar till the end of the backswing you are going to be off plane.

Plane Swing Vs Explanar

The explanar DOES get the hands and arms to rotate the club back too early in the backswing and would cause the club to get too flat/behind in the 1st move and cause the club face too be too open.......what happens is that the plane pulls the club too far behind then you roll up the explanar and the club ends up working fro behind to up and across, with a golf club this gets the club across the line at the top :fool:

The ONLY way to then release the club is to allow it roll up and over the explanar and the forerms rollover/cross so as to stay on the desired plane, this has had to occur from the 1st move away when the hands rolled the club back and therefore had to roll the club on the way through.

I have had a couple of people come to me after having lessons on the explanar and both of the pupils were well behind/below/inside in the 1st move and had to lift the arms/club up the plane to the top and had the club across the line, they both fought HUGE blocks/pushes and HOOKS as a consequence :man_in_love:

To be honest I was slightly baffled as the instructor was saying to me to **** my wrists up and not to roll them round. This seemed at odds with using the Explanar as I had to roll them back to keep it on the plane fin.

I used it -- thought it was great. I did not try to roll it on the plane fin. I only swung to about 10:30, didn't think I rotated too much, clubface wasn't open, it freed up my left side as my left arm was getting too tight against the body ala Hardy, and I needed to free it up. I never thought the club was too far behind me -- in fact, it corrected that Hardy issue. On the downswing, I felt as if it did not allow me to go to the left as soon as I wanted, any rotation was well after the ball.

Your 1st move back is not going to be helped by the explanar as you roll the club away with your hands/ have got too much weight on your toes at address and look to be stretching to the ball..... your grip appears to be weak hence the "high" right arm at address and the way the hands work in the 1st you roll the club away you open the face and are then forced to lift the arms up the body as the spine the top there is very little hip turn and the club has "dropped" below the level of the shoulder, this is due to the swing being out of synch.......from this overly flat psoition, you spin the shoulders which gets the club to move outside/above the plane it was on going back but attacking from better angles, you will not be striking the ball with much compression as the arms pull the club into the follow through.

You need to get the SETUP sorted by standing closer to the ball and with the weight more central across the feet.......and get the grip stronger (id like to see an FV for this) need to get a rod placed in the butt of your club and have the extended piece the protruding the same amount as the distance your arms are from your then need to start the ast move away with the body in 1piece and make sure that the extended piece stays in your belly button until the 8 o'clock also should place a box on the outside toe of the club parrallel to the ball to target line and in the 1st move keep the toe of the club running along the the club starts to arc inwards you need to **** the left wrist more upwards as the right arm folds, you will feel like the toe of the club is going upwards and the cocking action comes from where the thumb bone meets the wrist.....from here you will be able to turn to the top maintaining the width in the swing......once the backswing is sorted it will be much easier to get the downswing in sequence :fool:

At home also try the back to the wall drill this will help with keeping the club more infront of you in the backswing and not sucking it inside straight away otherwise you will be hitting the wall :man_in_love:

Depth is an often overlooked aspect to a full golf swing. All I can tell you is that when I make real swing now, everything is on a plane and the bad tendencies I had in my swing (cupping at the top to finish, for example) are now gone. My face is square to my forearm at the top, and I make a full turn. Going through I don't poke out to the line with a hold-off release, I keep going around, with everything.

I just picked up a home edition..Hoping that it is all its cracked up to be..Looking to cure an outside-in swing path among other problems...will follow up with a review after i see or don't see any results.

[quote name='SwingMan' date='19 March 2009 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1237483365' post='1565376'][quote name='bethpageblk' post='1565122' date='Mar 19 2009, 10:38 AM']I just picked up a home edition..Hoping that it is all its cracked up to be..Looking to cure an outside-in swing path among other problems...will follow up with a review after i see or don't see any results.Wondering if anyone else has a review or tips on using the Explanar.[/quote]After re-reading the first post, and after using the Explanar for a couple of months -- it is important that the Explanar be adjusted for you so you don't come too far inside.[/quote]This is certainly true. Contrary to much that has been posted, I have found the Explanar to be very beneficial to myself and my students. I have been using the Explanar since 2004 and have had great success. Butch Harmon uses it regularly as well as Y E Yang, Brian Gay and other tour players. I was skeptical when I first had it demoed, until I saw some great changes occur and some very rapidly. One of the people that went through the demo seemed unimpressed but came back to me the following day to let me know that he had recorded the best round of golf he had ever played in his life the same day he took part in the demo (that was good enough for me). I haven't regretted one minute the decision to begin to use this marvelous aid.If it is set up wrong it will not produce the desired effect and that is why I will not let anyone use the Explanar until I have worked with them.

[quote name='smilincoco22' date='08 March 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1268090091' post='2302759']Hi,Do you recommend this as a swing trainer?Thanks.David[/quote]No.

Hi,Its interesting to come back to this thread as I still on occasion use the Explanar with my instructor. It tends to be used more to illustrate things than be the focus of the lesson as it was with my previous teacher.I actually think its a useful aid that can help get the feeling of the arc. Also I would imagine if you are picking the game up it would be invaluable in getting a feeling of the swing. probably would help eradicate coming over the top aswell as I felt like another poster it was a device that would produce a draw swing.Swingman is right though and it definitely needs careful adjustment or you might be grooving an incorrect path. I'd give it a cautious thumbs up now.

If your swing path is above the line then it could result in you swinging over the top. This is when you throw your hands at the ball, you hit the ball quite steeply, and it normally results in a big slice or hitting the ground before the ball. This is the most common fault for the average golfer.

If your swing path is below the line then it could result in you coming into the ball too shallow. This normally causes you to top the ball or hit a big hook. Not quite as common but it happens to the best of us.

The reason it works is that the weight, shape, and features of the club almost force you to swing the right way. All you have to do is take a few swings every day for practice or before your round to warm up.

PlaneSWING is the True Golf Swing Plane Trainer, designed to give you an instant feel for the perfect golf swing and to ingrain a powerful and repetitive motion. Plus, PlaneSWING will give you a better understanding of the golf swing and teach you how to apply a quick-fix when needed during a round!

We offer unrivaled global support with free personalized swing analysis at the start to help you get the very best out of PlaneSWING and realize the outstanding results that golfers all over the world are experiencing. Our commitment to our clients is 100%.

The most important thing to master in golf, and maybe the most difficult, is the art of the golf swing. A good swing is almost the only important thing when playing golf, as your swing can be the life or death of your game. In this guide, we go over the best golf swing plane trainers that you can buy today to help improve your swing, add distance, and hit the ball better.

Golf path or golf plane trainers are designed to help keep your shots aligned from beginning to end, giving you better, more accurate swings. If you are having trouble adjusting your swings for a given situation, then these trainers may well be what you need to guide you through the correct motions.

SKLZ has released a really good golf tempo and grip trainer, but only for right handed golfers. This tool is designed to help you improve your golf swing tempo so that you can hit balls longer and more consistently. It also has a specific grip pattern on the end so that you can learn how to hold your golf clubs in the most ideal position.

Using a system of alignment sticks, the Perfector aid golfers to measure and align their shots from varying angles. This gives golfers both a physical and visual aid that will help them to improve their golf swings for any angle and any club. 2ff7e9595c


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